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Sustainability policy

Our current Decade of Change policy takes us to 2030

Decade of Change: our sustainability policy to 2030

Our current Decade of Change policy takes us to 2030. It builds on the success of our first 10-point plan for a more sustainable Gatwick. 

Our goals continue our great work on the community and local environment. And we will increase our emphasis on people and on emissions. 

Our second Decade of Change to 2030 policy
Our sustainability plan

We live, work and operate in a complex world that is changing all the time. Plans can change, dates may alter, and schedules move forward or push back. 

Our approach to a sustainable London Gatwick remains focused on what matters: 

  • People and communities - We'll support our people and invest in our local communities. 
  • Net zero - We'll continue our transition to net zero and improve air quality. 
  • Local environment - We'll reduce our impact on the local environment and waste. 

The goals in our Decade of Change policy align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), also known as the Global Goals. By meeting our goals, we are supporting the UK’s contribution to these global targets. 

To learn more about how our goals align with the UN SDGs, see page 6 of our Second Decade of Change policy. 

Our sustainability goals
Our Decade of Change goals:

People and communities

Supporting our people and local communities 

1. Local economy 

Be a partner and advocate for a thriving resilient economy. Contribute to local and regional workforce skills initiatives. 

2. Opportunity and accessibility  

Increase workforce diversity through recruitment, training and retention practices. Ensure our colleagues and passengers have each access and opportunities. 

3. Workplace safety 

Be a leading airport for the safety, health and wellbeing of our workforce and passengers. Have a culture of continuous improvement and learning. 

4. Local communities 

Invest resources in programmes and partnerships in the region. Support the communities that are the most affected by our operations. 

5. Noise 

Limit and where possible reduce the impact of airport noise on local communities. Work with partners and stakeholders to create the most noise efficient operation possible. 

Net zero

Continue our transition to a net zero London Gatwick

6. Airport emissions 

  • Achieve net zero for our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. 
  • Source 50% of our network electricity and 50% of heat network from UK renewable sources by 2030. We will generate power onsite, and buy renewable energy direct from suppliers. 
  • By 2030, all on-airport vehicles must meet zero or ultra-low emission standards. This includes ground support equipment and mobile construction equipment. 

7. Aircraft and ground transport emissions 

  • Playing our part in the UK aviation and ground transport transition to net zero carbon. 
  • Working with airlines and fuel providers to apply the Sustainable Aviation decarbonisation roadmap.
  • Work with transport providers to increase airport passenger and staff use of public transport and zero and ultra-low emission journey modes to 60% by 2030.

Local environment

Protect and enhance the environment around our airport 

8. Water 

Reduce the airport’s drinking water consumption by 50% on a per passenger basis by 2030 (compared to 2019). Continue to improve the quality of water leaving the airport and work with partners to promote local water stewardship.

9. Waste 

By 2030, ensure that all materials used in our operations, commercial activity, and construction are repurposed for beneficial use. This means repair, reuse, donate, recycle, compost, or convert these materials to fuel for heating or transport. 

10. Biodiversity 

Industry-leading 'net-gain' approach to protecting and enhancing biodiversity at the airport. This includes zero use of herbicides by 2030. 

Our Decade of Change
People and community

photo of a London Gatwick security officer talking with an elderly woman at a Gatwick community outreach event

Support our people and invest in our local communities.

Community support 

Net zero

A small herd of sheep in a field with London Gatwick's airfield visible behind them

We're continuing our transition to net zero and improving air quality.

Net zero

Local environment

A photo of a Newt being held in a pair of hands belonging to a London Gatwick ecologist

We want to have a positive impact on the local environment.
